How to‎ Mitigate‎ Impacts‎ of‎ Inflation‎ on‎ the‎ Construction‎ Industry



Apr 26, 2023 - 4 minutes

How to‎ Mitigate‎ Impacts‎ of‎ Inflation‎ on‎ the‎ Construction‎ Industry

⁣If you ask any project owner and building contractor what their greatest work challenges are, they're likely to list intermittent materials price changes as one of the most common issues they have to deal with. Considering that Inflation rates have been on the increase in recent times: from 15.92% in Mar 2022 to 21.91% in Feb 2023,  one can only imagine what impacts this is having on the cost of materials and consequently the profit margins for builders.

⁣However,‎ Inflation‎ cannot‎ be‎ entirely‎ controlled,‎ but‎ certain‎ measures‎ can‎ be‎ taken‎ to‎ lessen‎ its‎ severity.

⁣In‎ this‎ blog post,‎ we‎ will‎ share‎ some‎ strategies‎ for‎ managing‎ rising‎ materials‎ costs‎ in‎ construction.

⁣1.‎ Plan‎ ahead

⁣One‎ of‎ the‎ essential‎ steps‎ in‎ managing‎ rising‎ materials‎ costs‎ is‎ planning‎ ahead.‎ You‎ must‎ always‎ anticipate‎ price‎ increases‎ and‎ adjust‎ budgets‎ accordingly.‎ Contractors‎ should‎ be‎ aware‎ of‎ the‎ economic‎ conditions,‎ supply‎ chain‎ disruptions,‎ and‎ other‎ factors‎ that‎ can‎ impact‎ the‎ cost‎ of‎ materials.‎ By‎ being‎ proactive,‎ you‎ can‎ avoid‎ unnecessary‎ cost‎ overruns‎ and‎ delays.

⁣2.‎ Purchase‎ Materials‎ Ahead‎ of‎ Time

⁣To‎ prevent‎ potential‎ inflation‎ and‎ price‎ hikes,‎ it's‎ advisable‎ to‎ order‎ crucial‎ construction‎ materials‎ ahead‎ of‎ time‎ and‎ negotiate‎ fixed‎ prices.‎ It's‎ usually‎ more‎ cost-effective‎ to‎ store‎ these‎ materials‎ in‎ advance‎ rather‎ than‎ purchasing‎ them‎ at‎ a‎ later‎ date‎ when‎ prices‎ may‎ have‎ increased.‎ You‎ can‎ make‎ use‎ of‎ our‎ Price‎ Lockdown‎ feature‎ which‎ enables‎ you‎ to‎ lock‎ in‎ prices‎ of‎ bulk‎ building‎ materials‎ for‎ an‎ agreed‎ period‎ of‎ time‎ -‎ 30,‎ 60,‎ and‎ 90‎ days‎ in‎ which‎ the‎ prices‎ of‎ materials‎ will‎ not‎ be‎ affected‎ by‎ price‎ changes‎ within‎ this‎ period‎ of‎ price‎ lockdown.‎ 

⁣3.‎ Optimize‎ designs

⁣Optimizing‎ designs‎ can‎ help‎ minimize‎ materials‎ costs.‎ Designers‎ should‎ aim‎ to‎ use‎ materials‎ that‎ are‎ readily‎ available,‎ locally‎ sourced,‎ and‎ have‎ a low‎ environmental‎ impact.‎ This‎ approach‎ can‎ help‎ reduce‎ the‎ cost‎ of‎ transportation‎ and‎ storage,‎ which‎ are‎ significant‎ expenses‎ in‎ the‎ construction‎ industry.‎ Additionally,‎ designers‎ should‎ explore‎ the‎ use‎ of‎ prefabricated‎ components‎ that‎ can‎ help‎ reduce‎ on-site‎ labour‎ and‎ waste.

⁣4.‎ Collaborate‎ with‎ suppliers

⁣Collaborating‎ with‎ suppliers‎ can‎ help‎ you‎ better‎ manage‎ materials‎ costs.‎ Building‎ strong‎ relationships‎ with‎ suppliers‎ can‎ help‎ contractors‎ negotiate‎ better‎ prices‎ and‎ secure‎ reliable‎ delivery‎ schedules.‎ It‎ is‎ also‎ essential‎ to‎ keep‎ track‎ of‎ materials‎ pricing‎ and‎ to‎ be‎ aware‎ of‎ any‎ price‎ increases‎ that‎ may‎ impact‎ the‎ project‎ budget.

⁣5.‎ Communicate‎ with‎ stakeholders

⁣Communication‎ is‎ key‎ to‎ managing‎ rising‎ materials‎ costs.‎ You‎ should‎ communicate‎ with‎ stakeholders,‎ including‎ clients,‎ suppliers,‎ and‎ project‎ teams,‎ to‎ ensure‎ everyone‎ is‎ aware‎ of‎ the‎ potential‎ impact‎ of‎ rising‎ materials‎ costs.‎ Effective‎ communication‎ can‎ help‎ manage‎ expectations‎ and‎ avoid‎ surprises‎ that‎ can‎ lead‎ to‎ cost‎ overruns.

⁣6.‎ Take‎ a‎ proactive‎ approach‎ in‎ identifying‎ new‎ strategies‎ to‎ reduce‎ expenses

⁣You‎ have‎ to‎ proactively‎ discover‎ new‎ ways‎ to‎ mitigate‎ costs‎ so‎ that‎ you‎ can‎ keep‎ your‎ projects‎ on‎ budget‎ and‎ maintain‎ profitability.‎ This‎ includes‎ utilizing‎ tools‎ such‎ as‎ construction‎ management‎ software‎ to‎ improve‎ project‎ efficiency,‎ streamline‎ communication,‎ and‎ optimize‎ resource‎ management‎, and‎ researching‎ and‎ testing‎ new‎ materials‎ and‎ construction‎ techniques‎ that‎ could‎ reduce‎ costs‎ while‎ maintaining‎ quality.

In‎ conclusion,‎ managing‎ rising‎ materials‎ costs‎ in‎ construction‎ requires‎ a‎ proactive‎ approach.‎ Planning‎ ahead,‎ optimizing‎ designs,‎ collaborating‎ with‎ suppliers,‎ communicating‎ with‎ stakeholders‎ and‎ more‎ are‎ all‎ strategies‎ that‎ can‎ help‎ you‎ manage‎ the‎ impact‎ of‎ rising‎ materials‎ costs.‎ By‎ taking‎ a‎ comprehensive‎ approach‎ to‎ materials‎ management,‎ you‎ can‎ improve‎ their‎ bottom‎ line,‎ maintain‎ project‎ schedules,‎ and‎ deliver‎ quality‎ projects.

At MaterialsPro, we understand the importance of having high-quality building materials on-hand for your construction projects. This is why we offer a wide range of procurement services, including our price lockdown, to help you manage construction costs while dealing with inflation. Visit our website today to learn more about how we can help you save time and money on your next project.

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