5 Ways Home Builders Can Improve their Profit Margin



Dec 07, 2023 - 4 minutes

5 Ways Home Builders Can Improve their Profit Margin

In the construction industry, profits don’t just happen. The industry doesn't function on chance. With numerous potential pitfalls that can jeopardize an otherwise lucrative project, success in the construction industry demands diligence and relentless effort. 

Consequently, it is advisable to proactively seek opportunities to improve your profit margin and nurture the consistent expansion of your homebuilding business in the long run.

Here are 5 Ways Home Builders Can Retain their Profit Margin

  • Plan Ahead 

Developing clear objectives is key to quantifying your progress and assessing whether you're on track to make a profit.

Effective, early project planning leads to improved performance in terms of cost, schedule, and operations, balancing the competing needs of a project. Properly planned projects reduce expensive change orders and cost overruns, limit liability, and can make or break the success of your project.

  • Use Helpful Tools

Not leveraging technology is like leaving money on the table. Consider tools and platforms that can help you automate your processes, such as invoice automation, materials management, spend management, scheduling of materials, etc. 

Integration of modern construction equipment with technology reduces downtime, enhances operational efficiency, and contributes to overall cost savings, positively impacting profit margins.

  • Keep eye on your cost

Money leaks when you’re not watching. Whether it's idle labor costs, incomplete material deliveries, or overlooked orders, these small expenses accumulate. Regular reviews enable early detection and prevention of these profit drains.

If you want to hit your profit goal on a project, you have to keep your costs down and finish the project within the scheduled completion date. Be sure to keep accurate accounts of all your job costs. You don’t have to keep track of every screw and nail, but you’ll need to be able to compare your actual job costs to what was budgeted so you can complete a thorough analysis once the job is finished.

  • Consolidate your procurement

Consolidate procurement or buy in bulk for increased efficiency and negotiation leverage. Bulk buying also reduces procurement time, allowing multiple projects to advance seamlessly.

“Buying in bulk is absolutely a strategy,” Bellaman says.

Buying in bulk is not just a matter of convenience; it's a strategic move that contributes to cost efficiency, project consistency, and long-term financial stability. By leveraging the advantages of bulk purchasing, construction companies can build not only structures but also stronger profit margins.

  • Always order from Reliable Suppliers

This is key to your profitability journey. Reliable suppliers like MaterialsPro will help you with materials availability, timely delivery, transparency and high-quality materials. This increases your efficiency and lets you deliver more projects on Time and on Budget.  Finding reliable suppliers and purchasing the right building materials are essential for any construction project.

Looking to increase your profit margins with better estimates? 

Materialspro is an on-demand eProcurement and supply chain platform making procurement of building materials seamless, faster, convenient and more transparent for home builders.